Ctrl Alt the Feet

It can be hard to explain reflexology to somebody who knows nothing about it. How can I put into words how it works or how it feels without sounding like a new-age hippy? I have always known that we as humans are only a tiny part of the wonder around us. Nature delivers every day and is beautiful. Perhaps I am not completely conventional when it comes to health, but I have a nursing background and I am always keen to read the latest evidence-based research as well as hear from people about what works for them. I am aware that telling a sceptical person that balance can be achieved in their body by touching only their feet sounds a bit far-fetched, but believe me when I say that I have seen and experienced the positive effects a reflexology treatment can have on a person.

Reflexology is not magic (although sometimes it feels as though it is). It is the process of removing blockages (some believe in energy, some nerve pathways) that hinder our body's ability to work the way it should. When we are stressed, when we are grieving, when we are tired - we release hormones, we tense our muscles, we don't retain information we are being given. Not only one system is affected, multiple systems are, as our bodies communicate mind to body, body to mind. It can be hard to correct this disruption when we are stuck in an endless cycle.

I heard somebody say once that reflexology is "like a reboot". I had struggled before then to describe what reflexology does and how it feels but this description is just right. It allows your body to pause and in doing so, this can be just the time needed to feel like yourself again (the real you before all the imbalances set in). It is up to you to decide in this space whether you want to change things. Your body, your decisions. At the very least it's an hour of pure relaxation in an often stressful life, at most it can bring the clarity to make real positive changes and this can help not just your mental health but your physical health too...I have many clients who would testify to that.

Reflexology made part of your monthly regime really can change your life. Sound like i'm exaggerating? Give it a try. It's not what I do but what you do...I'm just the hands that help kick-start what your body was made to do.


Get in touch

For more information about my treatments or my approach, please call me at 07853 577866. To book an appointment, please contact 01603 452320. Alternatively, you can reach out directly using my secure and confidential online contact form.

I am based in Norwich and see clients from the surrounding areas

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